





宁波,教授,博士生导师,比利时荷语鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)教育学博士,上海师范大学国际与比较教育研究院研究人员,联合国教科文组织教师教育中心项目主管。主要工作领域包括:教师和校长测评、国际教师教育的策划与组织、教育绩效与评价的国际比较研究、上海基础教育质量与均衡发展研究。自2015年入职以来,在SSCICSSCI来源刊物发表学术论文二十余篇,出版中英文专著3部,主持国家哲社、上海市哲社等研究课题5项。从2017年开始,策划并主持“一带一路”沿线国家教育行政人员高级研修项目、中非高校20+20合作计划博茨瓦纳教育行政人员高级研修项目,获得中国教育部和上海市教委的专项经费支持,先后为35个国家的100多位教育行政人员和学者提供来华交流机会。

Bo NING, Vice Dean for Administration in School of Education, Shanghai Normal University. Bo NING is a professor in the Research Institute for International and Comparative Education, Shanghai Normal University and a project manager in the Teacher Education Centre, UNESCO. He got a Ph.D. degree from KU Leuven in Belgium in November 2014. Since his participation in RIICE in 2015, he published more than twenty papers on peer-reviewed national and international journals such as Journal of Educational Research, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, School Effectiveness and School Improvement. Still, he is also the author of three academic books in English or Chinese. Recently, his work fields include measurement and evaluation of school principals and teachers, project design and organization of international teacher training, cross-country comparative studies on educational effectiveness and evaluation, and empirical studies on quality and equity of basic education in Shanghai.  Since 2017, he has organized  a series of annual exchange projects, such as the Belt and Road  Shanghai Exchange Project for Educational Administrators and the  Exchange Program for Botswana Educational Administrators under the 20+20  Cooperation Plan for Chinese and African Universities. These projects have provided visit opportunities for more than 150 education administrators and scholars from 50 countries to China.