报告人:Régis Malet教授 法国波尔多大学教师j9九游会官方网站
报告题目:French Education System and Its Teachers: from founding fictions to contemporary tensions
时间:2019年10月21日下午2 :00-4 :00
Régis Malet is a full-time professor of Comparative education in the University of Bordeaux, Laboratoire Cultures, Education, Sociétés (LACES). He has been nominated in 2018 at the Institut Universitaire de France. Régis Malet has also been the President of the French-speaking Society of Comparative Education (AFEC) and the Chief Editor of the international research journal "Éducation Comparée" for one decade. His fields of research and teaching include: - comparative and international education, - education policy analysis - teacher education - social inclusion and citizenship education - educational/social management in intercultural settings - youth identity & citizenship.